Bass are an aggressive species that are known for their vigor when it comes to any type of bait. This is one of the many reasons that these fish are so popular among anglers yet if you want the best success, you need to be prepared to go the extra mile.
Whether you’re new to bass angling or a seasoned pro looking to brush up on your skills, our bass angling tips will give you some fresh new ideas on how to nab that catch!

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Play To The Temperature
One thing that all of the most successful bass anglers have in common is that they know when rather than how to fish.
Bass are an intelligent species and this means that they can tell when the seasons change and they will adjust their behavior accordingly.
When the weather starts to get a little cooler, the bass will typically head towards the shallows where smaller bait fish can be found.
This is particularly true of largemouth bass species. However, when winter really sets in, these fish will head down to the depths to stay warm so it can be quite the challenge trying to fish them when it’s really cold.
But if you are willing to put in the effort, there will be far less competition on the lake, so you might be lucky enough to reel in a prize bass.
You will need to be prepared with the right bait, however, and in winter, you will find that a soft bait followed by hard bait works much better.
On the other hand, when the weather is getting warmer, the bass may begin to migrate to much murkier waters. But if you know where to look, you’re sure to find a decent catch.
You’ll have some luck in the shallows, once again, since the bass will head here for feeding. Keep your eyes peeled for areas that are shady and undercover as here could be where you find some of the largest specimens.
Some of the best bass anglers will tell you that the Northwest part of the lake is a great summer spot for finding large bass. You may also have a lot of luck in some of the lake’s primary creeks.
Low Light Fishing

Many of the best pro bass anglers know that fishing for bass is best done in low light. The fish become far more snappy and alert during these hours so if you want the best results, we would suggest heading out for a night fishing adventure.
Dawn and dusk are the prime times for bass fishing so if you can get to the lake at these hours, then you’ll find that your luck will be in.
Moreover, you can get some good use out of your poppers since these work very well in these conditions.
However, we should point out that, when fishing in low light, you want to retain the natural conditions as best as possible.
If you can head out under the glow of a full moon then you won’t need to worry about not being able to see. But if it’s very dark, you should try to avoid using artificial light as much as possible.
If you do need to use something then a headlamp is the best bet. It will provide you with a soft glow that gives you just enough in terms of vision without upsetting the natural balance too much. What’s more, they’re hands-free, which is always a bonus.
Don’t Cast Out Too Far
If there is one thing that we have learned about bass angling it’s that you don’t need to cast out too far because the fish are often right there under your nose.
These fish are well known for striking in very close so even if the water underfoot is shallow, it is worth searching it.
A great tip is to make sure that you search newly flooded areas when the tide comes in as this can be a prime location for bass.
For this reason, we would also advise you to check the tide before fishing for sea bass as this will maximize your chances of bagging a catch!
Wounded Bait

It is well known that bass have a thing for attacking wounded bait. If they notice a fish that is injured, they see it as an easy target and will hone in pretty quickly.
You can use this behavior to your advantage and fool the bass into thinking that they’re onto a good thing.
The best way to do this is to stick to using red, or at the very least, pink bait as this will cause the bass to think it is an injured fish.
A lot of anglers will throw out shredded worms and the like but these can also be used to lure in an unsuspecting bass so don’t throw them out just yet!
Think Sharp
When we say think sharp, we do mean literally. The bass has a very strong and bony jaw and this means that dull hooks won’t penetrate, leaving the bass much more easily able to get away before you reel him in.
If you want the greatest success, you are going to need to sharpen your hook AFTER EVERY CATCH.
You may think that this is a little excessive, but in order to be sure of a catch, you must give yourself the best chance and this means keeping those hooks sharp!
Bass Feeding

To become the best angler, you need to know everything about the species you are fishing. When it comes to bass, they’re pretty simple to understand and yet a lot of people don’t take the time to get to know them.
In the earlier months of the year, bass tend to feed on things like crawfish which means using similar colored bait will likely yield the best results.
On the other hand, during the height of summer, they’ll generally go for shad, so you will want to use a more chrome-colored lure.
It is also worth keeping in mind that plankton is a good way to determine the presence of bass. If you notice a spot where there is a lot of plankton, it is worth fishing it. These tiny creatures will attract prey for the bass who will soon follow.
Don’t Get Stuck In Your Ways
In order to be a great bass angler, you need to be willing to change things up from time to time. It is always a good idea to take some backup bait and this should be an incredibly varied selection.
You may find one day that a particular bait works well but then performs very poorly the next time.
You also need to be willing to fish in new spots and move around the water to find the best catch. Where you are fishing will also determine the best type of bait to use.
If you’re fishing in the ocean that is heavily stirred up then you’ll want to use something like mackerel or crab to really grab the bass’ attention. However, if you’re on a very calm lake you could get away with lures and flies.
Bass angling is an incredibly popular sport with competitions popping up all around the United States. While anyone can claim to be a half-decent bass angler, it is much more difficult to become the best; but not impossible.
You need to be willing to experiment to find out the best way to get a trophy bass but this will be an ongoing thing since the bass behaves so differently throughout the year.