Lake Fishing is a great way to spend your time and can be one of the most rewarding experiences out there. As such, it would make sense that you would want to be able to spend as much time as you can out on the Lakes working on your next catch – no matter the weather.
But in what ways can rain affect your time spent Lake Fishing and what should you be aware of in order to make sure that you can get the most out of your precious time and can be prepared for Lake Fishing in a number of different states of weather.
Within this article, we will go over the ways in which rain can change to way you might Lake Fish, why exactly this is, and some things of note to allow you to keep your best foot forward during your time on the water.
Table of Contents
Does Rain Affect the Water Temperature of a Lake?
Rainfall is one of the ways in which the temperature of the water within a Lake can change in quite a sudden and rapid way.
Of course, with the changing of the seasons, the overall temperature of the weather and the surroundings of a Lake can change, but this is really a slower and more gradual change when compared to the change that takes place during and after rainfall.
During rainfall, fresh water will constantly be added to the existing water of the lake and will begin to cool down the overall temperature of the lake as it goes, cooling more and more as the rainfall continues.
With very heavy rain, you can expect to see a rather drastic drop in the temperature of the water and this can change the way that the fish are behaving within the lake itself.
How Does Water Temperature Alter Fish Behavior?
There is a direct correlation between the temperature of a body of water and the level of dissolved oxygen that is present within it. As well as this, there is a difference in fish behavior that relates to this level of dissolved oxygen within the water.
Colder water will tend to have more dissolved oxygen within it and the warmer water gets, the lower the levels of dissolved oxygen.
Each individual species of fish has its own unique thresholds for the minimum temperature below which it will no longer feed and for the maximum temperature after which it will cease to be able to breathe.
So, in certain circumstances, such as extremely cold water temperatures, fish will become inactive and less likely to give you a bite whilst fishing, as the temperature is close to or lower than their feeding threshold.
In warmer weather, with warmer temperatures, you will see that fish have a tendency to become more active as they are well above their minimum threshold for feeding.
Therefore you will tend to get a better bite during these times as opposed to extreme cold.

What Other Ways Can Rain Affect Lake Fishing?
Feeding Frenzy
One of the other ways in which rain can affect Lake Fishing is that it can change the turbidity of the water and therefore the nutrients that are present within the water.
As rain disturbs the water, it can cause disruptions to nutrients that have been lying still and allow them to move about the water.
This causes fish to become more active as they have to search less to find these nutrients and then so too do the fish that feed upon these smaller fish.
This all promotes a more consistent bite when Lake fishing and can be a very good time to fish.
Along with this, the run-offs that the rain causes to flow into the lake can bring things like worms and other grubs that the fish can feed on and cause somewhat of a feeding frenzy that make it a great time for fishing and something you should definitely consider taking advantage of.

Light Levels
Rain will also make the surrounding area of the lake darker, as the clouds and the rain itself will block some of the sunlight that you would expect to see on a clear day.
This has the benefit of making the fish even more active, as fish tend to become more active as it gets darker.
During the summertime, fish can be more active in the warmer water generally. However, if the water has become too warm and is become close to its maximum threshold where the dissolved oxygen in the water becomes too low and they struggle to breathe, they can become inactive once more.
These times are perfect for rainfall as the added oxygen in the water provided by the cooling rain will breathe new life into the fish and cause them to become much more active again and provide a better bite.
Rain can also help to disguise you from fish that might otherwise avoid you on a day without rain. If you were out on a boat on the lake, you may find that fish tend to avoid you as they can spot you from a mile off.
However, with the rain disrupting the surface of the water, you will become a lot harder to see and as such may find yourself getting more from your fishing.
As rain also increases the turbidity of the water, this will make the water seem murkier and lower the visibility for fish within the lake also.
As fish hunt with their sight first and foremost, this can sometimes make them less likely to bite as they don’t see your lures.
To combat this you should make sure to use lures that are brightly colored with reds, greens, and yellows. Sometimes, red colors can be lost within the murky waters, so if visibility is particularly low, then make sure to use bright green and yellow lures to keep the fish biting.
Final Thoughts
To conclude, rain can change affect Lake Fishing in a number of different ways. From changing the temperature of the water to lowering visibility, and causing a feeding frenzy, there are many ways in which fish behavior can change and give you an exciting time to fish.
Hopefully, this article has been useful in showcasing these changes to Lake Fishing brought about by rain and has allowed you to be more informed when it comes to your time spent out on the Lakes fishing.